Chrome Forensics with ForensiX

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Given a dump of an %APPDATA% folder from a Windows host, retrieve Chrome usage data.

The above-mentioned folder is taken from the Digging In The Dump challenge, part of Sieberrsec CTF 3.0.

Choosing a Tool

As my primary operating system is Ubuntu, I skipped tools like BrowsingHistoryView and MiTeC Internet History Browser, which are Windows-only.

Searching out on GitHub, I found the bachelors project of Adam Chmara, ForensiX. It is "Google Chrome forensic tool to process, analyze and visualize browsing artifacts", built on Docker Compose and with a beautiful, web-based user interface.

Another alternative was browser-history, a Python3 library and CLI tool which supports the most popular browsers.

Filtering the Artifacts

  1. Create a folder to dump the multipart archive: mkdir data.
  2. Download the challenge files with:

    for i in {1..6} do; wget$i\?raw\=true -o data/$i; done
  3. Recreate the original archive from its parts: cat data/* > data/

  4. Check the validity of the created archive:

    $ unzip -t ../data/
    Archive:  ../data/
    warning [../data/]:  50331648 extra bytes at beginning or within zipfile
    (attempting to process anyway)
        testing: AppData/                 OK
        testing: AppData/Local/           OK
        testing: AppData/LocalLow/        OK
    No errors detected in compressed data of ../data/
  5. Extract the content, namely the AppData folder: unzip data/ -d data/AppData.

  6. List the files linked to the default Chrome profile:
    $ ls data/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User\ Data/Default
    'Affiliation Database'           Favicons-journal                          'Login Data For Account-journal'               shared_proto_db
    'Affiliation Database-journal'  'Feature Engagement Tracker'               'Login Data-journal'                           Shortcuts
    AutofillStrikeDatabase         'GCM Store'                                 Network                                       Shortcuts-journal
    blob_storage                   'Google Profile.ico'                       'Network Action Predictor'                    'Site Characteristics Database'
    BudgetDatabase                  GPUCache                                  'Network Action Predictor-journal'             Storage
    Cache                           heavy_ad_intervention_opt_out.db           optimization_guide_hint_cache_store          'Sync Data'
    'Code Cache'                     heavy_ad_intervention_opt_out.db-journal   optimization_guide_model_and_features_store  'Top Sites'
    coupon_db                       History                                    Preferences                                  'Top Sites-journal'
    databases                       History-journal                            PreferredApps                                'Trusted Vault'
    data_reduction_proxy_leveldb    IndexedDB                                  QuotaManager                                  VideoDecodeStats
    'Download Service'              'Local Extension Settings'                  QuotaManager-journal                         'Visited Links'
    'Extension Rules'               'Local Storage'                            'Safe Browsing Network'                       'Web Data'
    Extensions                      LOCK                                      'Search Logos'                                'Web Data-journal'
    'Extension Scripts'              LOG                                       'Secure Preferences'
    'Extension State'               'Login Data'                                Sessions
    Favicons                       'Login Data For Account'                   'Session Storage'

Installing ForensiX

  1. Clone ForensiX: git clone
  2. Place Chrome's Default into ForensiX's volume: cp -r data/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User\ Data/Default/* forensix/data.
  3. Install ForensiX via cd forensix && ./ The process may take several minutes as hundreds of megabytes are downloaded.
  4. Start ForensiX: ./
  5. Check the created containers:

    $ docker container ls
    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                     COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS          PORTS                                           NAMES
    8c55799727b7   chmarax/forensix:client   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   31 seconds ago   Up 29 seconds>3000/tcp, :::3000->3000/tcp       forensix-client
    e972dda0247e   chmarax/forensix:server   "npm start"              31 seconds ago   Up 30 seconds>3001/tcp, :::3001->3001/tcp       forensix-server
    20ae98404ddc   mongo:latest              "docker-entrypoint.s…"   32 seconds ago   Up 30 seconds>27017/tcp, :::27017->27017/tcp   forensix-mongodb
  6. Access the web UI at http://localhost:3000.

  7. Create an account.
  8. Log in with the created account.

Extracting Information with ForensiX

  1. By operating ForensiX, the following information can be extracted:
  2. Country: Singapore
  3. Chrome version: 96.0.4664.110
  4. Screen resolution: 718x1014
  5. Most used username: Alex24
  6. Browser activity period: only 24 December 2021
  7. Visited websites: Google, Bing
  8. Favicons: Google, Bing, other Singaporean websites
  9. Stored credentials, in which the password is encrypted and hex-encoded: Alex24:763130EE90D405CD2F46F8F8026EC964434AEF7FFC39DE825C1700FAA0B50752EF2EFBF5E23C4F688A4F47DB from a CTF-specific website,
  10. Cached content: stylesheets, scripts, fonts, GIFs.

Shallow information


Cached content


Uninstalling ForensiX

  1. Uninstall ForensiX: ./
