SCaLE 21x

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In less than two weeks, the open source community will host SCaLE 21x, the largest community-led conference in North America.

The Open Source Fortress, which was created with openness as a core tenet, has made its way into the SCaLE timetable. We'll examine a variety of vulnerability finding techniques, such as fuzzing, code querying, web scanning, and linting, and how they can be utilised throughout the software development life cycle with reliable open source tools. The practical component will be supported by a vulnerable-by-design C and Python web application.

This presentation will be part of the security track, which will run on the final two days of the conference. There are also several presentations that I'm looking forward to watching, including code security from GitHub Security Labs, supply chain security from Intel and Sonatype, and secure infrastructure-as-code from GitGuardian, to name a few.

SCaLE will also host the Ubuntu community, which will hold an UbuCon. There will be two full days of talks about Canonical-supported projects (Ubuntu, Ubuntu Core, and Juju), as well as open source in general, including a crash course in LLMs with Andreea Munteanu and a session about community building from Aaron Prisk.

See you at SCaLE! If you receive this message and plan to be there, don't be a stranger and say hello!